
This entry was posted in Cooking Club. Bookmark the permalink.

17 Responses to Update

  1. R Pickles says:

    Ooh I know some year 4s who would love to attend!

  2. molly says:

    I would love to join. When does it start?

  3. R Greasley says:

    I wonder when it starts too,Molly.

  4. jordan downes says:

    i want to join

  5. S Cripps says:

    Don’t worry, when we have a start date we will send letters to your classroom.

  6. Miss P says:

    That’s great news Miss Cripps. The learners in Holly class are itching to get started …

  7. kelsey t lillie s says:

    will you invite us please

  8. chloe says:

    at cooking club we could make a nice dessert called chocolate sponge wit custard yyyyuuuummmmmmmyyyy and i can’t wait till it starts because i would like to join because it is really fun and i think i have i been since it has started will you let me know when it starts aswell please miss cripps or miss smith i love cooking

  9. lillie mae says:

    it looks fun.

  10. Lillie steele Brandon steele says:

    They look yummy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  11. E Pegado says:

    i loved cooking club last year in year 4

  12. C Archer says:

    Cooking club looks great is it still on ? xx

  13. Emmabuella says:

    I cant wait till cooking club starts again I would love to join it ps that looks yummy

  14. sally says:

    I cant wait until cooking club starts I make the best jam rolly polly.yuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuummmmmmmmmmm

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