Welcome to Year 1 – Hazel!



Hazel Class

Hazel Class 1



Welcome to Hazel Class! We are a happy, hardworking class of 30 children and our class teacher is Miss. Costello.  Miss Ward supports us with our learning on a morning and Mrs. Orr on an afternoon.


We enjoy challenging ourselves with our learning and are always trying to stretch our brains even when we finds things a bit tricky!  We are always working on being more resilient and towards being independent learners.  ‘The Pit’ helps us talk about how we progressing with our learning.


The characters on The Pit are:

Sid the lion – he is stuck in the pit because he gives up when things are hard and doesn’t try.

Leo the lion – he climbs out of the pit by keeping going even when things are tricky. The more he challenges himself, the higher he climbs.

Eddie the Eagle – he has challenged himself and seen lots of success. He is soaring out of the pit.

We all try to be like Leo and Eddie. None of us want to be Sid.


We like having a fun, vibrant learning environment so we work hard as a team to keep this nice and tidy. We try hard to put things back where they belong and to tidy up after ourselves. We have a responsibility to keep it that way along with looking after our own property.

Important things Miss Costello wants us to remember

  •  wear our indoor shoes everyday.
  • bring our book bag.
  • read at home regularly and have our partnership book signed so our book can be changed.
  • bring our indoor PE kit on Friday and our outdoor PE kit on Thursday.
  • Learn our spelling and complete our learning logs every week.
  • Always be polite and try our best.